25 Very Cool Facts About South Korean Culture

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It’s fascinating to learn about and study the cultures of other countries throughout the world. Sometimes it’s the odd things a country or culture does that reveal the most about its people. These are some fascinating and astounding facts about South Korea. South Korea is well-known these days due to K-pop, K-drama, Korean food, Korean beauty products, and other factors. Given the rapid growth of the Korean wave, it’s hard to go somewhere without hearing or seeing anything related to Korean culture.

You can undoubtedly see everything that comes from Korea on social media, billboards, restaurants, businesses, and marketplaces. Because of this, it is no longer unexpected that so many people desire to visit South Korea, study the language, and learn more about the local culture. So here are some astonishing yet worrying statistics regarding South Korea.

25 Very Cool Facts About South Korean Culture

1. Appearance

As beauty and appearance are significant aspects of South Korean society, it should come as no surprise that women also take pride in their looks. Women in South Korea have the highest global rate of cosmetic surgery per person. A quarter of South Korean women are said to have undergone at least one cosmetic operation. Eyelid surgery is the most popular.

2. Unusual Park

Visit to Haesindang Park, often known as Penis Park by Westerners. Haesingdang Park, as the name indicates, is home to a variety of sculptured penises, reportedly the world’s greatest collection of animated huge penises! You may laugh at the thought of a penis park, but the folklore behind it tells a horrifying story of a young virgin who perished as the tide came in at the location close to the park’s erection (author’s pun), leaving her beloved watching helplessly from a distance The fish that the neighborhood’s fisherman often caught were discovered dead on the strand the next day. The fish mysteriously appeared after one of the fishermen urinated in the water, leading them to assume that the young virgin was saddened by the connection she was unable to consummate. Soon after, Penis Park was created to placate her.

3. The men’s cosmetics sector

As a result of their desire to look their best, South Korean males are said to apply cosmetics on a daily basis in close to a quarter of cases. In actuality, South Koreans account for 20% of the global market for male cosmetics.

4. Psy became an unexpected worldwide treasure because of – Gangnam Style

With the 2012 release of “Gangnam Style,” South Korean rapper Psy became an unexpected worldwide treasure, beloved and emulated by leaders of nations as well as young children. Psy not only became the first user to reach 1 billion views on YouTube, she also broke records. Any other pop singer didn’t reach 1 billion views until 2015, when Justin Bieber’s song “Baby” did it. Gangnam Style, which denotes the affluent way of life in Seoul’s Gangnam District, topped the music charts in 30 different nations by the end of 2012.

5. Crime re-enactment

South Korea employs “crime re-enactment” to show the public that it is fully in charge of the investigation of crimes that have drawn significant public attention. Taking the accused to the location of the crime and instructing them to play it out is known as crime re-enactment. The accused is captured by the media in an embarrassing situation, and spectators are welcome. Due to the fact that those implicated are frequently not prosecuted, this has generated a great deal of human rights attention. The impact on people who are later proved to be innocent can be terrible in a society where “face” is everything.

6. A South Korean newborn is one year old

There are many fascinating facts about South Korea, but this one is particularly intriguing.

Koreans are naturally one year old when they are born. There are various explanations for this, but the simplest rationale is that the infant is one year old at birth since they spend nine months in their mother’s womb, which is about one year. If you want to know the age of any Korean individual, simply use the following formula:

7. Superstition surrounding the Number 4

In South Korean culture, the number four is viewed as unlucky. The “fourth floor” and residences with the number “4” are not found in South Korea, just like you won’t find a hospital bed with the number “13” in the UK. In South Korea, recipients of presents are also unwilling to accept gifts in groups of four, such as four crimson flowers. Why is it bad karma? Others argue that this is because the number 4 is unlucky in Chinese culture since it has the same pronunciation as the word for death.

8. Bizarre South Korean beliefs

South Korean society is full of many additional superstitions. In order to metaphorically shake off any good fortune that could be heading your way, it is advised that you refrain from allowing your legs to tremble or your feet to tap. According to another myth, you shouldn’t get your lover new shoes since they could use them as a disguise to flee.

9. Valentine’s Day Activities

In South Korea, Valentine’s Day takes on a new dimension as males are the recipients of gifts and pampering. Women in South Korean society go to great lengths to purchase their partners’ lavish boxes of chocolates and other extravagant presents. However, they will have to wait a month for their own special day of pampering, which will not be quite as ‘chocolatey’. The female Valentine’s Day is known as ‘White Day,’ and the most popular presents are Chupa Chups lollipops!

10. Lowest rate of obesity

With Japan in this prestigious honor, South Korea has the world’s lowest obesity rate. No surprise, given their nutritious diet!

11. Land of Booze Addicts

Don’t be shocked if you see folks on the road carrying and drinking from cans of their favorite beverages. In South Korea, drinking alcohol in public is completely legal. One of the most intriguing facts about South Korea is that it is one of the world’s top alcohol drinkers. If you enjoy drinking, you will enjoy South Korea because it has a vintage and diverse selection of wines and beverages. Because Koreans are among the most avid drinkers in Asia, it is ingrained in their customs and culture to mark most occasions and events with alcohol.

12. A singles’ day

If you are single, you may wish to attend this event in South Korea. In Japan and South Korea, it is customary to celebrate Valentine’s Day twice. This particular day is known as Black Day, and it is observed every year on April 14th. Single Koreans congregate at a black-clad establishment to eat jjajangmyeon, a specialty of black bean paste-covered noodles. Competitions are organized in different locations where singles compete with enthusiasm to drown their sorrows. On this day, cafes see an increase in the sale of black coffee, and firms that provide matchmaking services take advantage of the occasion.

13 No Beards

You may have seen images in history textbooks of South Korean historical figures with beards, some of which were rather long. Nowadays, however, a man with a beard is regarded as unclean and untidy, regardless of how well-trimmed his beard seems. And it’s not just about what a possible love partner would think; growing a beard may even prevent you from getting a job!

14 “Have You Eaten Well?” translates as “How are you?”

When a South Korean asks you this question, they aren’t inquiring if you’re hungry or how healthy you eat. It’s more like how we would welcome someone in the United States with, “How are you?”.

15. Scissors All Over

While you may have a pair of scissors in your kitchen, they are unlikely to be your most often-used instrument. Scissors, on the other hand, are an essential element of every kitchen in South Korea, where they are used to cut a range of dishes such as noodles, beef, and even kimchi.

16. Kimchi is very common, not cheese

And you could just get some cheese, which isn’t always a terrible thing. Yet, if you want everyone in South Korea to grin for a photo, say ‘Kimchi (a pickled cabbage side dish) instead. 

 17. Most Hazardous Border Control

The Demilitarized Zone (or DMZ) is the boundary between North and South Korea that was formed as a result of the Korean War in 1953; it splits the Korean Peninsula in half. It is also one of the world’s most hazardous frontiers, as it is heavily monitored by armed military men and contains active landmines. You’d be shot if you tried to cross it from either side.

18. Love Motels

In the United States, we are not used to renting a place for only one evening or even for a few hours. These kinds of love hotels do exist in South Korea, though. While it gives couples more privacy, it’s not unusual for South Koreans to remain under their families’ roofs far into their 20s, and there are so many possibilities, many people actually enjoy this form of “date” rather than despise it. There are restaurants that exude luxury and elegance, and then there are places where you can have a short, inexpensive evening with no frills.

19. Taekwondo is entirely South Korean

Taekwondo, or “the method of the fist and foot,” originated in Korea some 2000 years ago. It was the earliest type of martial arts self-defense, and it is now South Korea’s national and most popular sport, having been an official element of the Summer Olympics in 2000.

20. Inability to sleep

It is a well-known fact that New York is known as the city that never sleeps. Do you think you’re exhausted and want to sleep? You rest and sleep for at least 8 hours however, The average Seoul resident gets less than six hours of sleep every night.

21. There are robots everywhere

Not everywhere, but robots are quite popular in South Korea! They have the world’s highest robot density. Robots are utilized not just in workplaces, but also as jail guards, waiters, and instructors.

22. Red Ink

The ink comes in a wide variety of colors here in the US, and we utilize them all while writing. Although black or blue ink, particularly for formal writing, is the most professional choice, Americans are not afraid to use other colors, particularly red. you will not see this in South Korea. It’s a really negative indication if you see a name printed in the red since it denotes that the individual is either already dead or is about to die.

23. Microsoft is King

Although there are many alternative Internet browsers available for consumers to pick from depending on their personal tastes, they must use Internet Explorer for banking and shopping. It has been since 1999, both exclusively and by legislation.

24. Hairstyles Speak Volumes

South Korean women have just around three unique haircut options, and they are determined more by their age and relationship status than by their preferences or what is “in trend.” A female with long hair is single; a female with short hair has just married; and elderly females frequently receive perms.

25. Koreans eat dogs

South Koreans do consume dogs. Although it has always been a part of the culture, it is currently less common and more divisive. In actuality, they consume close to a million dogs annually.


The culture of South Korea is fascinating, and it will delight you to see and experience it. The nation of South Korea has many surprises in store for you. If you intend to travel to this intriguing country soon, be sure to do your research.

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