Trees are the most important natural elements. Consider a world devoid of trees. No! It’s difficult to imagine life without trees. Trees are a necessary resource for all living things. Many plant and animal species find refuge in trees. They are important in nature because they prevent soil erosion, absorb CO2 from the environment, and improve air quality by adding oxygen. provide people with a place to live and wood for house construction They are responsible for our well-being. Everyone’s lives have always included trees. Because of their majesty and beauty, the following fascinating facts about trees will astound you. Can you imagine the power of the forest if trees can have powers?
29 Amazing Facts About Trees
1. Some trees have been on the moon
“Moon Trees” was produced from seeds brought to the moon during the Apollo 14 mission’s launch in early 1971. NASA and the US Forest Service wanted to probe if the moon’s orbit affected how the seed grew differently back on earth. These trees were donated to Forest Services in 1975 and 1976.
2. Trees do not die of old age
Trees do not pass away from old age. All living things pass away at some point as they get older. For trees, however, this is untrue. A tree never gets old and dies. They are the earth’s longest-living species. Methuselah, an ancient Bristlecone, is 4852 years old. The oldest tree is the pine. It is one of the world’s oldest living trees. There are 4,000–5,000-year-old huge sequoias.
3. Trees can protect themselves
This is an incredible truth about trees. You may be wondering how trees can defend themselves against insect attacks. Trees can communicate; they provide messages to other trees so that they may begin to fight themselves against insects. When the Willow trees are bitten by insects, they secrete compounds that make their leaves exceedingly rigid, making it harder for the pest to digest.
4. Trees assist to minimize noise pollution
You may have heard people advocate for increased tree planting for a variety of reasons, one of which is that it lessens the sound intensity. Sound attenuation is a tree phenomenon that aids with noise reduction. Unwanted noise is absorbed by the tree’s leaves, twigs, bushes, and branches, while herbaceous growth deflects and absorbs sound waves, reducing unwanted noise.
5. Trees help us lower stress
It may be difficult to believe, but trees can help us reduce stress. When traveling down the tree-lined street, one feels at ease. When we breathe in the chemical phytoncides emitted by trees, it helps to calm our anxiety and blood pressure. According to one study, the denser the forest, the lesser the stress.
6. Tree rings reflect a tree’s age
Have you ever noticed how cut trees leave behind spherical rings on their bark? Both light and dark wood rings will be visible. You must count the black rings that indicate the age of the tree to determine its age. Dendrochronology is the name given to this study of rings.
7. Trees can share food
This is an incredible act by trees that will surprise and amuse us. Symbiotic relationships exist between mycorrhizal fungi that live in tree roots and trees. These fungi assist trees in absorbing more water and minerals from the earth, and in turn, these trees give fungi sugar molecules that are derived during the photosynthesis process.
8. Trees can help you to find the way
The northern side of the tree trunk, which receives more shadow, is where moss will grow in northern temperate regions. The rings are very useful because they help us to guide the correct path. A tree’s rings can also point you in the right direction. If you’re in the northern hemisphere, the tree’s rings appear to grow a little larger on the southern side, which receives more light.
9. Trees absorb greenhouse gases
Greenhouse gases are causing global climate change. As trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air during photosynthesis, they provide a lifeline for all of us. The trees store this gas throughout their lives, thereby slowing the build-up of the gas in the atmosphere, which has been rapidly warming our entire planet and posing a threat to the environment.
10. Some trees are toxic and dangerous
You read that correctly! Some trees are poisonous. The manchineel tree, which is native to Florida, is one such tree. It is believed that anyone who consumes the fruit of this tree will die. Furthermore, the smoke from the tree can cause blindness, and standing under the tree during a rainstorm can cause blisters.
11. Pinecones have different genders
Male and female pinecones exist. Female pinecones shed pollen, while male pinecones produce seeds. The wind blows pollen into female pinecones, which pollinates the seed. Isn’t this an amazing fact?
12. Fifth oldest tree burned down accidentally
Sad but true Senator, the cypress tree which was nearly 3500 years old was accidentally burned down in the year 2012. A Florida meth addict Sarah Barnes who tried to smoke in the hollow of a tree resulted in the burning of the tree. The world’s fifth-oldest tree burned from the inside out like a bellowing chimney.
13. Tress migrate to save from climatic change
Migration in trees does not mean that the tree uproots itself and moves and migrates to other places. But due to climatic changes, their population centers can shift over time.
14. Trees can maintain and protect themselves
This is a unique truth; when stressful conditions emerge for trees, they cut blooms, leaves, branches, or fruits.
15. Trees are Phanerogams
Plants reproduce by seeds and have the visible reproductive organ flower. As a result, this is a unique plant reproductive mechanism.
16. Trees can sense deer
Trees have a unique characteristic that allows them to detect when they are being eaten by deer. This is due to plants’ ability to detect deer saliva. In such instances, the tree produces excessive acids, causing its buds to taste bitter, and the deer departs the tree because it dislikes the flavor. Isn’t it something important to know?
17. Trees do heal by regenerating cells
Trees can’t cure their wounds by regenerating new cells, but they can defend themselves by erecting a wall around the injured region, which slows the spread of disease and decay. In the case of another living thing, if one of its components is damaged, it can be repaired by regenerating new cells.
Unique tissues in stems enable them to transfer stored energy into segregated regions. This compartmentalization isolates an area that has been infiltrated or contaminated by disease or bug. This ability is one of the factors that contribute to the extended lifespan of woody plants. Because they lack the luxury of movement, plants must either adapt to their environment or perish.
18. Trees, too, have feelings
Plants have sensory systems that allow them to respond to environmental events via their epidermis. According to a study, trees straighten to withstand tension and relax to release.
19. Trees act as a sound barrier
Trees are helpful in dampening sound waves. They absorb or disperse sound waves, particularly through their leaves and branches, therefore disguising undesired noise.
20. Plants can communicate
Trees use volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere to send messages within the plant. Trees use this to warn other trees if there is a threat approaching.
21. Fruit with the Potential to Explode
The Sandbox tree produces fruiting bodies that resemble huge capsules and explode at a pace of 70 metres per second. The power is so strong that its seeds spread up to 100 metres.
22. The Positive Trend of Tree Planting
According to 1981 Chinese legislation, every Chinese citizen above the age of 11 is required to plant three to five trees every year. Isn’t it incredible.
23. Plants can communicate
Trees use volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere to send messages within the plant. Trees use this to warn other trees if there is a threat approaching.
24. Trees Provide for Human Needs
The majority of houses in the United States are constructed of wood. Surprisingly, in 2018, 93% of American homes were built with wood. You might argue that each individual utilises the equivalent of one 100-foot-tall, 16-inch-diameter tree to meet their wooden demands.
25. Baby Grave Trees in Indonesia
It is Among the many amazing facts about trees, this one stands out. If a new-born dies before the teeth develop on the Indonesian island of Tana Toraja, the body is buried in a tree after a large hole is drilled. The tree then regenerates itself around the infant.
26. The Man Who Began an Entire Forest
Jadav Molai Payeng, an Indian, began planting trees on a desolate sandbar. He is presently living in a 1360-acre woodland known as the Molai forest after 30 years. It is home to deer, tigers, and rhinoceroses.
27. Fruit with the Potential to Explode
The Sandbox tree produces fruiting bodies that resemble huge capsules and explode at a pace of 70 metres per second. The power is so strong that its seeds spread up to 100 metres.
28. Planting Trees is a Growing Trend
According to a 1981 Chinese legislation, every Chinese citizen above the age of 11 is required to plant three to five trees every year. Isn’t it incredible?
29. Trees Fulfilling Human Needs
The majority of houses in the United States are constructed of wood. Surprisingly, in 2018, 93% of American homes were built with wood. You might argue that each individual utilises the equivalent of one 100-foot-tall, 16-inch-diameter tree to meet their wooden demands.
If we wish to exploit the abilities of trees, we must safeguard them; they require our assistance, and without them, they would struggle to exist. We must all work together to save the trees because they are tough but not invincible. We must rebuild the forest and conserve the trees. We can’t help ourselves, but by conserving trees and planting more and more trees, we can ensure that the next generation’s future is secure and healthy and that they have clean air to breathe. If we succeed, we will supply 260 million tonnes of oxygen. Trees will sustain and support us throughout our existence. So our motto should be “Plant More Trees”.
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