Name one fruit which sends down a chill through your spines and nerves! Obviously, it’s lemon. Though sour, the absence of it makes certain food bland in taste. Let’s have a sneak peak through some fascinating facts on lemon.
35 Fascinating Facts about Lemon

1. Lemons are a cross between citron and sour orange.

2. They are classified under the category Hisperidia, which are technically a type of berry.

3. An average lemon consists of eight seeds and three tablespoons of juice.

4. The lifespan of a lemon tree is approximately 50 years but they can live up to 100 years with proper care and treatment.

5. A single lemon tree produces 600 pounds of lemon per year.

6. Arizona and California grow 95 percent of lemon crops in the U.S.A.

7. There are around 40 types of lemon grown around the world.

8. The nature of lemon is difficult to find as it can be easily hybridized.

9. Amalfi lemons, which are grown on the Amalfi coast, ripes twice the size of average cooking lemon. These lemons are used to make the signature drink of that region liquor, limoncello.

10. It is believed that lemons first originated from Assam, a state in the North-east part of India.

11. Egyptians once believed that eating lemons offered them protection from all kinds of poison.

12. In the mid-1700s, Scottish doctor James Lind discovered that Sailors can be cured Of Scurvy with lemons.

13. Before the development of the commercial fermentation process, lemon juice was the industrial food’s sole source of citric acid.

14. Lemons are the only fruit that are anionic which means they possess a negatively charged ion.

15. Lemons were so rare and treasured that they were gifted by royalty to one another as a symbol of good will.

16. In the Renaissance period, women used lemon juice to pinken their lips.

17. In the Victorian age, the wealthy class used to raise lemons in their estate as a fragrant status symbol.

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18. Lemon trees change their color over time, that is when they are young, lemon tree leaves have a reddish color, and the color turns green which is the best time when they start producing the best lemons.

19. Lemons help in improving sore throat. This is because of its antibacterial properties.

20. By sprinkling a few drops of lemon juice you can prevent your other fruits from going bad and moldy.

21. There are three common lemons which are Bears, Eureka, and Lisbon.

22. During the California Gold Rush in 1849, miners were willing to pay a huge amount of money for a single lemon.

23. If you want natural highlights, you can apply lemon juice twice a week.

24. Lemon oil is used in rosewood fingerboards of stringed instruments.

25. In order to power a flashlight bulb you need 500 wired lemons to conduct electricity.

26. Lemon was a name used as unisex in 1900s.

27. The lemon peel consists of potent phytonutrient tangeretin, which has been proven effective for brain disorders like Parikson’s disease.

28. The whole lemon is used to make marmalade and lemon curd.

29. Lemon juice is used in the UK while making pancakes, especially on Tuesday.

30. Menton in the French Riviera celebrates the annual lemon festival.

31. Lemons are also known for the anti-cancer compounds which can technically prevent breast cancer.

32. American Eurological Association conducted a study on lemons and found out that lemonade or lemon juice can eliminate the occurrence of kidney stones.

33. Lemons needs a minimum temperature of 7 degree Celsius so that they are not hardy.

34. The world’s heaviest lemon weighed was 5.265 kg.

35. A bowl of fresh lemons will add fragrance to a room.
When life gives you lemons, make a lemonade out of it. This is a very common phrase we all have heard. So still waiting and thinking what to do after knowing so many useful and tasty things about lemon?
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