People born between 20th May to 20th June, fall under this sun sign. They are a mixture of smart, quirky, kind, genuine, and funny. These people are here, there, and about everywhere. That’s mostly because they have dual personalities. Their charming personalities are what make them the life of every party, social event, and gathering.
19 Interesting Facts about Gemini

1. They tend to overthink at times. At times they are too worried and anxious even about the little things. This leads to them being stressed unnecessarily.

2. They experiment a lot in their food choices. A Gemini could be seen tasting different cuisines and making exceptional food choices.

3. Often they find themselves in a dilemma, and it’s hard for them to make decisions as they are constantly in two minds. Even though they are smart, when it comes to decision making they become overly analytical.

4. They are a bit of hypocrites as they compliment people on their face and later whisper their true feelings on the back. They have negative things to say about others, a dark side, a critic about people.

5. They are quite versatile and find it easy to manage multiple tasks in one go. This multi-tasking ability helps them to get involved in many things and balance them all flawlessly.

6. Geminis are curious minds who are ready to gain knowledge at every step of their lives but at the same time they even have exciting things to say and share with others, and they are highly intellectual and smart.

7. They have many friend groups and are socially active. Gemini is generally a people’s person which makes it easy for them to get along with everyone.

8. They like to keep themselves well in shape. You wouldn’t see Gemini’s putting on weight.

9. It’s easy for them to communicate their feelings to others as they are great at speaking. It helps them influence people and they very well know when and where to use this skill.
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10. They always stay in the moment and make the most out of it. This often brings a constant need for them to receive surprises and excitement in their long term relationships. Although they are flexible and can adjust easily.

11. They are not really romantic as compared to the other sun signs. But when in love they create memorable experiences with their partners. They tend to spark up their relationship by constantly finding new things to discuss.

12. It’s easy for them to solve problems as they have high intellectual capacity and find new ways to do things. Finding easy solutions to complex problems is what they do the best.

13. They are curious souls which makes them easily bored. Their nature is impatient and they have a lot of questions on their mind.

14. Geminis are most driven to experiences, adventure sports and trips. Going to unknown places and meeting new people is their thing.

15. Libra, aquarius and Aries are the best matches for the sign. As these signs prioritize their social life just as much as geminis do. Geminis do get along with their own friends and enjoy socializing with them.

16. The biggest fear a Gemini has is being bored. They just hate being stuck in a monotonous routine life. At times they get bored quickly and that makes them angry and irritated.

17. Being single doesn’t really bother a Gemini. They put in all the energy in discovering themselves and their capabilities. More than having a relationship, single life fascinates a Gemini.

18. They have no time for flings, as being in a long term relationship matters more to them. Indulging into a short lived relationship is not what a Gemini looks out for.

19. Being in a relationship is a tough task for the sign as they face major trust issues. Have they been betrayed in the past, they make sure to be really careful in their next relationship ahead.
Coming in close contact with a Gemini would make you realize whether or not these facts are true. No matter how many sides they possess but for sure you wouldn’t get bored at all when a Gemini is around. They never take life too seriously and that’s what makes them a great company to be with.
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