25 Unheard Facts about Airport

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Some Unheard Airport Facts You Never Heard: One of the best and quickest modes of transportation, airplanes are growing in popularity lately. You must travel to the airport in order to board the aircraft. The site where an airplane lands, picks up passengers and drops off cargo is called an airport. Both domestic and international flights depart from airports. This airport has a number of astounding facts that you may not be aware of. You will encounter all the facts listed below the next time you are at the airport. Continue reading to know more about the airports’ surprising facts.

25 Unheard Facts about Airport

1. The Last person to check in their bags has the luxury of having their bags go on the belt first

If you are the last person to check in your bags before the flight, you are the lucky one to have your bags go on the conveyor first at the baggage claim at your destination. This approach will only work if you check in advance because you won’t have to worry about an overbooked flight or not being able to select the seat of your choice.

2. Long single line at the boarding gate

Have you ever noticed a lengthy single line at the boarding gate for a flight? This is so that each passenger is aware that they are all equal and that they must wait in line to board a flight. So, there will only be one queue for the sake of justice.

3. Lost luggage sales

Luggage that has been misplaced by airlines as well as lost and found luggage will be kept at the airport’s storage area for 90 days. The authorities wait 90 days, during which time they make every attempt to find and track the owner of the luggage. However, if no one shows up to retrieve the luggage, it will either be donated to a cause or put up for auction. A survival kit could be also given to the passengers in such case of loss of their baggage for the inconvenience compensation

4. Celebrities board from different gates

You might be surprised to learn that celebrities do not board airplanes from the same gates as you. Since these airlines must adhere to specific procedures, the majority of airports use secret check-in procedures. You might not even be aware that a famous person is traveling with you if they are on your aircraft. Isn’t it incredible?

5. Upgrading is not so easy

You could constantly wish that your seat could be upgraded to business class, but it’s not that simple. But this is uncommon. No matter how well-groomed you are or how powerful you are, this will not aid in your advancement. Therefore, never hold out hope for a chance business class seat. You won’t be offered an upgrade so easily.

6. Surprisingly, airport security collects coins

This is a pretty fascinating truth. Since it is common knowledge that travelers cannot bring pennies on flights, if they do, they must empty them at security, where they may occasionally leave them. Consequently, the amount of coins at the airport is astounding. The sum is enormous every year. However, this money is invested in airport maintenance rather than going to the airport’s staff.

7. Airport cues

If you fly the next time, pay attention to this small detail at the airport. You can find design cues that will guide you through this strange and new environment all over the airport. Another name for this procedure is wayfinding. These cues might take several forms, from signs to various colours. For instance, Terminal B has straight edges while Terminal A will all have sharply curved edges. Therefore, if you are passing through the incorrect terminal, you will be aware of it subconsciously and move to the proper terminal.

8. The FOREX rate at the airport is outrageous

it’s always a good idea to pack extra cash when flying abroad. because the airport has relatively high exchange rates. You’ll never receive a favorable exchange rate. The online exchange is preferable to get your money changed at the airport if you neglected to do so in advance.

9. Airports are beautifully designed

Once you enter the airport, every single step is quite systematic. The layout is nicely created. From the entrance to the security checkpoint to the boarding gate, the traveller can simply find their way by following the indications. There are duty-free shops as well, in case you become bored. Before boarding the aircraft, you can shop.

10. Water is the most popular item offered in airports

Water is the most common and necessary item sold in airports all over the world. You must maintain hydration because flying can cause dehydration. Therefore, if you don’t have enough water with you, you end up having to pay more for water than usual. If you have to pay four times as much as normal, don’t be shocked. There are water fountains, if you need to, you can fill the water bottles.

11. An illusion created to make airline being punctual

The survey indicated that just 74% of flights were on time, with the remaining 24% indicating that the trip was not on time. This is an illusion constructed to make the airline appear to be punctual. The flight may be running late for a number of reasons. In order to give the passengers the impression that there are no delays and the flight is on time, the airport adjusted the arrival time.

12. Gate closure is final at the airport for boarding

If by chance the passengers are late and the gates are closed, they will not be opened for the passengers. Gate closure at the airport is final for boarding. Even if the plane is on the runway, the gates won’t open. When the airplane is still there and shows no signs of departing for a while, we question why they don’t open the gate. Reopening would require the plane to undergo each inspection once more, delaying the journey. And as a result, this flight can cause other aircraft to be delayed as well.

13. Taking pictures at security check is not allowed is a myth

The idea that it is forbidden to take pictures during security screenings, which are among the busiest operations, is untrue. Why would someone snap photos at security in the first place? But since it’s possible that someone might desire to take a photo, the rumour that photography is prohibited is inaccurate. But when taking photos, one must remember that the security screen is not being captured.

14. Employers are not inconvenienced by security

Yes! The fact that airport employees are exempt from having to go through security checks is extremely shocking. For travellers like us, going through security is like a herculean chore that involves taking off the jacket, checking the electronics, and emptying the pockets. The lucky employees won’t have to go through all of this security. For them, it is a lot more laid back.

15. Water prohibited

Have you ever noticed that carrying water through airport security is prohibited? They ask you to dispose of the water, or in my case, they could even remove the bottle themselves from the bag and place it in the trash. Therefore, in this scenario, you ought to go with an empty bottle. You can thus ask the staff at Starbucks or any other establishments past the security to fill the bottle for you after the checkpoint. Typically, they offer their services without charge.

16. Helping people to deal with anxiety before traveling by airplane

Airplane travel is not easy for everyone. many of them go through anxiety before boarding the flight. To deal with this many airports all over the world have some amazing solutions to deal with anxiety. For instance, at San Francisco – Airport has hired a therapy pig to help the passengers reduce their anxiety levels.

17. There is amazing entertainment available to travelers at the airport

Some have lengthy layovers. Passengers can find a variety of entertainment options at the airports. that they can unwind after spending a long time on the layover. The airport in Hong Kong has a golf course. Mesmerizing airport attractions include the butterfly garden at Changi Airport in Singapore, yoga studios in San Francisco, and various other activities at different airports.

18. The craziest reason for airport flight delays

It is pretty unexpected to learn that an airport flight may be delayed for such wacky reasons as you may not be aware. The passengers sit on the aircraft for reasons other than the weather or maintenance, but another one could be owing to human beings’ inherent irresponsibility. Workers at the airport, for example, may have contributed to the delay by colliding with the luggage cart and the aircraft, falling asleep while doing the required checks, and other petty reasons.

19. Never bring children into a security line

It is more probable the line will advance more slowly. Join the line while carrying a bag. They go more quickly. Because most of the individuals in the line with children are families traveling for vacations or other reasons, they take longer to complete paperwork, etc., whereas the businessmen with work suitcases travel by plane frequently, taking less time in comparison to regular people.

20. Loud luggage loading

Luggage loading makes a lot of noise. You might assume that this commotion is related to an airplane reunion. However, the sound is actually just the packing of your luggage beneath the cabin. Occasionally, the loud roar of the lavatory tank’s emptying can also be heard.

21. You should always photograph your boarding pass

The photographs will be useful in case you misplace it or if you’ve lost it. Never rely on an airport Internet connection or the airline app. longer than average folks.

22. Powder not allowed

Carrying anything that is powdered is not recommended. Security will still open your luggage and check it even if you aren’t carrying anything unlawful; after all, it is their duty to do so. another useful piece of advice is to avoid carrying anything that is in the form of powder like chili masala powders etc.

23. Most active commercial airport

The busiest airport in the world for commercial travel is Hartsfield-Jackson Airport (ATL) in Atlanta. Every year, 970.000 aircraft fly over it. In terms of the volume of passengers and flights, this airport is the busiest.

24. Chances of loss of luggage

Your bags or backpacks have a considerable probability of becoming lost at the airport. In essence, we must make a report to the airport authorities regarding our lost or stolen luggage. Each traveler is required to describe the contents and appearance of their luggage. Almost all travelers are aware of what their luggage includes, although they seldom describe it in detail.

25. Landing slots are a major source of revenue for airports

Airlines must pay excessive fees to airports for the right to use their runways on particular days or at specific times. In actuality, airlines buy and sell or exchange these landing slots. Over the past ten years, one of the main causes of rising airfare has been the cost of landing slots.


In conclusion, airports are becoming more and more crucial as they must offer travelers the greatest services. You’ll be amazed by the airport’s infrastructure and other stuff. The next time you fly, take note of minute facts about the airport that will undoubtedly surprise you.

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