15 Amazing Healthy Habits From Japan

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Japan, often known as the Land of the Rising Sun, is an extraordinary country that is rich in culture, history, and remarkable achievements. Another outstanding aspect of Japan is that it is the world’s most disciplined, safest, and cleanest country. Japan has distinctive characteristics that set it apart from other countries. They have fantastic customs and a distinct pattern in their lives, which distinguishes Japanese people. Many foreigners struggle to adjust to life in Japan at first since there are so many Japanese customs to learn.

15 Amazing Healthy Habits From Japan

1. Live with a purpose

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You’ve probably heard of hygge from Denmark or joie de vivre from France, and now you’ve probably heard of Ikigai from Japan. The notion has a very basic meaning: “Cause for Existing.” It also advocates having a purpose in our lives or knowing where we want to go in life. Thus knowing and understanding these basic notions will result in more enjoyment and longer life. Everyone on this planet serves a role. It is critical for each individual to discover and pursue their life’s passion. As a result, the Japanese think that they are here for a reason, which pushes them to live a passionate and healthy life.

2. Food is medicine

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According to Healthline, lifestyle choices such as consuming nutritious food have a favorable influence on health, resulting in living a long, healthy life. The phrase “Blue Zone” first appeared in National Geographic in Dan Buetter’s piece on long life. He discovered five places where people live the longest, including Okinawa, Japan. You will be surprised to know what the Okinawan phrase “Nuchi Gusui” means: ‘let food be your medicine”. Japanese eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as heart-healthy seafood, So this is the real truth behind the long life expectancy in Japan.

3. Cultivate strong familial and societal ties

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Humans are sociable beings who live on connection. A 2017 study published in the journal Innovation in Aging found that close-knit families and happy marriages led to improved health and a longer life. So people of Japan spend quality time with their families. This is preserved in Okinawa, where locals have a lifetime circle of friends known as a moai who support one other well into old age.

4. Take off your shoes when indoors

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In accordance with customs, Japanese people take off their shoes while entering the home and put on their slippers. At first, it could appear weird. Yet when you consider it, it all makes sense! According to Healthline, shoes can harbour harmful bacteria, so when indoors, think about taking your sneakers off. After all, on the soiled streets, people wear shoes. Bringing all of the stuff inside your house is the last thing you want to do.

5. They start the day with exercise

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When you want to start your day, you should learn something in Japanese. Every morning, the Japanese partake in rajio taiso (radio exercise). According to The Guardian, it all began more than 70 years ago when Emperor Hirohito began broadcasting a nationwide workout to promote the health of Japanese soldiers. The Japanese people still do it every morning, combining simple motions like bending, stretching, hopping, and toe touching.

6. They consume a lot of tea

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Most individuals in the West like a cup of coffee in the morning to kickstart their day and feel refreshed. Yet, drinking tea instead of coffee is one of the best-kept healthy traditions in the Far East. From ancient times, matcha, oolongcha, and ryokucha teas have been a mainstay of the Japanese diet, with incredible health advantages. According to one research, Japanese individuals who drank green tea every day reduced their risk of diabetes by 33%.

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7. Etiquette of Greetings

This is most likely one of Japan’s first unusual behaviors which makes them unique. They bow to welcome each other. A welcome bow can range from a tiny nod to a bending waist, depending on the relationship between two individuals. The longer and deeper the bow, the more respect, and thanks are shown. Japanese people learn to bow at an early age, and this custom has become part of their welcoming culture. If you encounter someone who is older than you, not bending your waist to greet them may be considered unfriendly and disrespectful. Bowing is extremely essential in both the Japanese work environment and daily life. In fact, several Japanese businesses, provide a distinct bowing training course for their staff.

8. Japan has a plethora of natural hot springs

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Did you know Japan has a plethora of natural hot springs? According to the BBC, volcanic activity on the island naturally warms over 3,000 geothermal mineral springs known as onsen. The Japanese stay in inns to soak in hot springs, which relieve muscular aches and prevent sickness and other severe ailments.

9. Culture of giving gifts

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All over the world there is a tradition of giving gifts, but unlike other countries, Japanese giving presents is a frequent Japanese custom since Japan has one of the most widespread cultures in the world. Gifts are given for nearly every occasion in Japan, from graduations to marriages, and even to seal a commercial contract. Unlike some other nations, however, Japan places a higher premium on the process of gift-giving than the present itself.

10. Taking Off Your Shoes

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It is not an exaggeration to state that taking off shoes is one of the most significant Japanese traditions to be aware of. Houses in Japan have been built with tatami mats placed on the floor since ancient times. Rather than utilizing tables and chairs as Westerners do, Japanese folks do practically everything on the floor. Even today, many families choose to eat at low tables or sleep on futons laid directly on the floor. To keep the house clean, Japanese people have created the habit of taking off their shoes before entering the house. Not only that but students in Japan are required to remove their shoes before entering the lobby or classrooms.

11. Japanese are very punctual

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One distinctive quality of the Japanese is punctuality. Japanese people are notoriously on time. For instance, you would be considered late if you got to work at exactly 8 a.m. The Japanese want you to arrive 10 minutes early so that you may begin working at precisely 8 a.m. Even when you arrive on time, at 8 am, the Japanese consider this to be incorrect. This is because people in Japan frequently arrive 10 minutes before. They will save 10 minutes while they get ready for work as a result.

12. Serve Silence When Using Public Transit

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Japanese individuals take care not to intrude on the privacy of others under any circumstances. As a result, one of the most essential Japanese habits is to remain silent. Yeah, Japanese people are quite quiet, and they believe that remaining quiet in public places, particularly on public transit, is an expression of respect for others. They seldom converse on the phone or chat with other people. They usually sit peacefully, listening to music, reading literature, or even napping.

13. Trash Collection in Japan

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Japan has very rigorous rubbish separation regulations. There are four major categories: burnable, non-burnable, recyclable, and large-sized garbage. The first three categories are picked up on a daily basis, while the fourth is picked up by appointment only. Every city has its own regulations regarding this activity.

14. Sleeping Pattern

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For many centuries, Japanese people have slept on the floor rather than in Western-style beds. This is a significant component of Japanese culture and customs that have lasted into the contemporary period and is unlikely to alter in the near future. If you’ve ever been to Japan and stayed in a traditional Japanese bedroom, you’re probably familiar with the practice of sleeping on the floor.

15. No reply with “Yes” or “No”

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In Japan, “Yes” or “No” queries are rarely replied. They’re frequently met with a throaty grunt, which obscures the affirmation or negation and confuses the inexperienced questioner. In fact, the straight “No” should be avoided at all costs in Japanese.

Thus, here are some of the most intriguing facts and behaviours regarding Japanese people that are not found in other nations. As a result of all of this, generations of Japanese people have consistently practiced and established distinct habits and behaviours, allowing Japan to become such an incredible nation. Many foreigners struggle to adjust to life in Japan at first since there are so many Japanese customs to learn. So that’s the Japanese secret you must know. These tips might help you live a long and healthy life! Japan may have the answer to this age-old conundrum. According to Business Insider, the country boasts the world’s longest life expectancy, with an average of 85.7 years.

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