Wohhhoo! Finally, it’s Friday. Friday is globally considered to be the last working day of the week, and for the people who work from Monday to Friday, it’s the beginning of the weekend which makes it the most awaited one. Friday is the day with a lot of interesting facts about it.
22 Fabulous Facts about Friday
1. Different kind of Black Friday

Black Friday is not just a busy day of shopping at low prices at the mall, but there are a few other incidences referred as black Friday, like the stock Market crash of 1929 which happened in Europe, and even the assassination of John F. Kennedy on Friday, November 1963.
2. The origin

Friday originated from the Norse goddess Freyja, known to the Anglo Saxon as Frigg. The name comes from ‘Freyja’s day’ which was shortened as ‘Fre-day’ and later Friday.
3. Blue Friday

The Thai solar calendar represents every day with a colour and for Friday the colour is Blue. It is also represented by the planet Venus and the Hindu god Shukra, the god of knowledge.
4. Fridays for Change

The famous climate activist Greta Thundberg chose Fridays for future as a mass student protest that sees students from all around the world skip classes on Friday and demand action on climate change by government officials. These matches are supported by millions of students who come together for one cause.
5. The second favourite day

Here is a surprising fact about Friday: In a YouGov poll all over 4,000 Americans, Friday ranked as the second most popular day. It received 29% of votes on the contrary Saturday secured the first place with 35% of votes.
6. Accident prone zone

The most number of accidents take place on Friday, the reason being anticipation of the weekend, fatigue from the work week or increased amount of alcohol consumption to celebrate the weekend.
7. Songs about Friday

Some of the great hits of all time have Friday as its theme. There is Last Friday Night, The cure’s 1992 modern rock hit, Friday I’m in love, and how can we forget the all time sensation, Friday by Rebecca Black.
8. Friday the 13th

The origin of this day as the unluckiest one is unclear but the fear of it is quite real. This is a kind of phobia which is termed as Friggastriskaidekaphobia.
9. You are Fired

Earlier it was common for people to get fired on Friday but this trend has changed nowadays because people who get fired on Friday are likely to engage in some or the other destructive behaviour on the weekend. So, now the termination takes place on Wednesday giving enough days for the employee to gather themselves together before the weekend.
10. No sail voyages

The seafarers don’t prefer starting a water journey on Thursday or Friday. Thursday being Thor’s day, the god of storms. But it isn’t known why it’s Friday too.
11. Movies on Friday

Some of the blockbuster movies had Friday in the title. Friday night Lights (2004), the body swap company freaky Friday (1976,2003), The stoner Film Friday (1995).
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12. Good Friday

Christian consider good Friday as an important day. Often on this day they will pause and pray at 3:00 pm as this is the time when Jesus’s crucifixion took place. Good Friday comes on the Friday before Easter.
13. Friday’s Child

In the nursery rhyme ‘Monday’s Child’ which has each day of the week with an attribute associated for the children born on that day. The Friday child is said to be loving and giving.
14. Big Shopping Sale

Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving is when retailers have their biggest sales. People rush in great numbers to grab stuff at the cheapest price. Black Friday can also be dangerous with many people stabbing and trampling to get what they want.
15. Take a chill pill

To go with the weekend vibes we have the casual Friday trend. This is where offices and schools allow people to wear a laid back dress code like simple jeans and T- shirt instead of their formal dresses.
16. Releasing this Friday

Most mainstream movies are released in the theaters on Friday. Nowadays even on digital platforms the most popular day to release is Friday. As most of the people have time to binge watch on the weekend.
17. #TGIF

The most common phrase heard among teenagers is TGIF (Thank God it’s Friday). The weekend is such a relief for everyone and reason to have fun ahead.
18. Job Hunting

Friday among all the days seems to be the most successful one to apply for a job. Therefore it’s not just a day to party hard but also to go out and look for a job.
19. Hacker’s Day

Most cyberattacks happen on Friday. So if you are planning to surf online this Friday you better have a virus protector or your firewall checked.
20. Friday Syndrome

It’s the feeling that one gets at the end of the week, where things are pretty chill, is known as the ‘Friday Feeling’ or the ‘Friday Syndrome’. This is the kind of Syndrome no one would mind having.
21. Famous birthdays

It’s strange that both Mary- Kate and Ashley Olsen were born together on 13th June Friday 1986.
22. Novel Fridays

In the well known Of 1719, in the Daniel Defoe novel Robinson Crusoe, the protagonist meets a native on the island that he has been stranded on, both are unable to communicate at first. So Crusoe names him as Friday as it was the day they met.
And that brings us to the end of the Friday facts. But still the weekend fun continues, while doing so make sure you don’t get yourself into trouble with those extra drinks or the Black Friday fever.
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