33 Fantastic Facts about Pomegranate

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Though there are a wide variety of fruits available in nature, there are preferences. Some have a soft corner for mangoes while others drool over papaya. In today’s fact check, we are going to know some fun facts about Pomegranate.

33 Fantastic Facts about Pomegranate

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1. The term pomegranate refers to a fruit with many seeds.

2. Pomegranates are native to the Middle East.

3. Pomegranate belongs to the berry family.

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4. Pomegranate is classified as a superfruit.

5. It is the only fruit that can be stored in a refrigerator for upto 2 months!

6. The pomegranate tree lives up to 200 years.

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7. The tree grows in a hot and dry climate.

8. It is one of the fruit plantations which is grown commercially as well as domestically.

9. Pomegranate does not consist of saturated or cholesterol fats.

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10. In the United States of America the pomegranate is seasonally grown from September to December.

11. One pomegranate consists of 1000 seeds.

12. Pomegranate is believed to have originated from Persia.

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13. According to Greek Mythology, Pomegranate originated from the blood of Adonis, that’s why it is known as fruit of the dead.

14. Even In Quran, there are citations on pomegranate. The first citation tells that the tree of pomegranate grew in paradise and the second tells that Prophet Muhammad told his followers to use this fruit against hatred and envy.

15. The syrup of this fruit is known as grenadine. It is known to be a sweetner and herbal colour and is used in many alcoholic drinks.

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16. The term ‘pomegranate’ is derived from the Latin word granate.

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17. There are in and about 15 amino acids in pomegranate out of which 5 are irreplaceable.

18. In the Sichuan region of China, the pomegranate was grown with a diameter of 48.7m. It is mentioned under the Guinness Book of Records for being the largest Pomegranate.

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19. The type of plant pomegranate belongs to , it is short. It has scarlet flowers and produces a yield of 50-60 kgs.

20. The weapon grenade got its name from pomegranate. When a grenade explodes it breaks into fragments and flies into the air, same as that when we open the peel of pomegranate the seed starts popping out.

21. Pomegranate is highly recommended to increase haemoglobin level in cases of anaemia.

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22. Azerbaijan, is one of the countries where an ample variety of pomegranate grows. In order to celebrate this harvest, every year on 26th of October, there is a national holiday. Variety of juices are preserved and people have fun drinking them.

23. Pomegranate oil has cosmetic properties, it has collagen which regenerates skin.

24. In China, Chinese people follow a tradition. They give a frame consisting of a picture of a pomegranate as a gift which symbolises prosperity.

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25. A pomegranate has many names in different languages. It is called ‘granaatappel’, ‘melograno’, ‘pomo granato’ and even ‘pomo punico.

26. In Greece, pomegranate is used to make love potions. This is because it was grown by the goddess of love, Aphrodite.

27. Pomegranate as a juice is sold at Turkish coffee houses.

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28. At Ohio University, researchers found that pomegranate prevents breast cancer.

29. There are over 760 varieties of Pomegranate.

30. In Early times, pomegranate was known as ‘Apple Of Grenada’.

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31. Pomegranate also finds its name mentioned in the Bible.

32. In Greece, a pomegranate is gifted as a housewarming gift which is placed near the fire altar in order to bring fertility, abundance and good luck.

33. In ancient Rome, pomegranate was crushed and used as a dye.

Lastly, pomegranate is one such fruit which is hard to peel but tastes like heaven. For centuries it has been a cure to many diseases and served as a useful product. Find its name mentioned in mythology and epics, it is the only fruit like that till date.

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